Kid Friendly Sessions
Minimum six sessions $40/session or Pay for all six sessions at once and receive one session FREE.

Heart Power Tools

This course provides practical tools to help kids build resilience. They will learn how to deal with uncomfortable feelings and what to do about them, before they take over and make things worse. They will learn how to use good feelings to take better care of themselves and the people they care about. They will learn how to make use of the heart-brain connection to enhance their learning and do better in school.

Smart Brain - Wise Heart

This program is built on a strong foundation of research in the field of social and emotional learning. Research shows learning socio-emotional skills can improve behavior, performance and, ultimately, success at home, school and play. There are five core competencies that are covered to help kids build their own capacity to learn and be the best they can be:
● Self-Management
● Self-Awareness
● Social Awareness
● Relationship Skills
● Responsible Decision-Making