Our Mission
We believe there is an unseen force at hand guiding us through this experience of life. Some refer to this guidance as God, Source, Creator or Universal Life Force Energy. In our spiritual practice, we help others learn to believe in, trust and surrender to the guidance that is here to help us navigate this journey of self to a greater awareness of our collective conscious identity. With that understanding comes a sense of empowerment. Our mission is to assist others in recognizing, developing and using their intuitive abilities to heal the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of their being so that they may experience happiness, fulfillment and value in living. Each healing session is a unique experience; a divinely guided creation of modalities and techniques designed to strengthen and empower.
Divine Guidance motto is “in loving service for the highest good of all!”
"I would like to thank both of you for the healing I received the other day. You allowed me to release so many of my emotions in a very loving and safe environment. My mind and body were very relaxed which enabled me to have one of the best sleeps that I have had in months. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your amazing gifts with me and bless you for everything you do!”

About Dale & Jeanne
Dale and Jeanne began their “awakening journey” together after they discovered each other thirty years ago. Always curious to know and learn from “the other side” they spent many years seeking out intuitives, psychics, mediums and channels. They studied the works of many masters; taking courses and receiving certification in many modalities to further develop their innate ability.
Dale Hoag is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Spiritual Healing Coach, Certified Sound Therapy Coach, Certified ThetaHealing Advanced Practitioner, Spiritual Dowser, Pranic Healing, Omahara Master Teacher Level 1, Angelic Awakening Practitioner and Soul Essence Coach. He has also trained with the Monroe Institute and received Remote Viewing – level 2, along with the Gateway Voyager program. Dale continues to grow and learn; recently adding the Emotion Code to his list of modalities.
Jeanne Hoag, B.Ed; M.Ed is a qualified and passionate educator with nearly 30 years teaching experience. This love of teaching and sharing has resulted in the creation of a variety of courses and topics. She is a Cerified Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Spiritual Healing Coach, Certified Sound Therapy Coach, Certified HeartMath Coach and Facilitator, Certified Spiritual Dowser, EFT Practitioner, Angelic Awakening Practitioner, Soul Essence Coach, and Omahara Master Teacher level 1. She has trained with the Monroe Institute and received Remote Viewing – level 2, along with the Gateway Voyager program. Along with these modalities she has studied various masters and through her learning and practicing has become a self-taught meditation guru.
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