Inner Journey Through Breath and Sound

The breath is a vital link in the mind/body continuum. Deliberate conscious breathing has been used for centuries to harness and direct life force energy as a means of facilitating healing and self-development. This hour and twenty minute session of conscious breathing is further enhanced by specific evocative music that takes the breather even deeper into the experience.

Dr. Andrew Weil tells us that the breath functions as a link between the unconscious and conscious mind, a tool to influence the involuntary nervous system, a technique to decrease anxiety and increase spiritual awareness and development, ground the mind, body and spirit and increase communication pathways between the mind body connection. It can also be used to relieve pain and increase creativity and intuition.

Who needs breath work?
• Those who want to experience the power of breath work to heal and connect
• Those who feel disconnected from their emotions and/or what is going on in their bodies
• Those who feel that they are spending too much of their life “in their heads” and want to increase their ability to be in their heart.
• Those who want to expand their consciousness
• Those who want to expand their capacity for forgiveness, love and compassion
• For anyone who wants their creativity to flow more freely
• Anyone who is recovering from trauma
• Those who want to release emotional or physical symptoms and unproductive behavior patterns which may be negatively impacting their life and are rooted in long-forgotten past events buried deep within our unconscious.
• For anyone who would like a “re-charge” from the stress of their daily activities.
• For anyone who would like to connect more deeply or re-connect to the spiritual side of life
and the list goes on....
$20/person. Please register to reserve your space (limit of 6 spaces).

Register by filling in form below:
